Memorails .... Our friends forever and never forgotten
Owen Wooldridge

Owen, introduced by Gill Morris, joined the CGS as a straight man in the first four or five years of its existence.
Owen a garage owner from the Reading area proved himself to be a all-round good egg from the beginning never shy when it came to pitching in with any project that was currently in progress within the society supporting us in every way.
A generous member who always was prepared to do that bit extra yet never seeking any acclaim for himself.
Therefore it was considered fitting that when we decided to have an annual award for someone like Owen we named it after him and Knowing Owen I’m confident he would have approved very much of this year’s reciprocate.
1982 Wally Mardell
1984 Roger Fortune
1985 Alan Carlsen
1986 Stan Taylor
1987 Colin Lewin
1988 Pete Dennis
1989 Jim Skinner
1990 Les Hall
1991 Simon Tonkin
1992 Mick Antony
1993 Terry Mardell
1994 Ian (Ding) Davis
1995 Dave Brock
1996 Mike Bedson
1997 Lincoln Mardell
1998 Alan Hancock
1999 John Mellows
2000 Ian (Ding) Davis
2001 Paul Kaye
2002 Chris Hare
2003 Wally Mardell
2004 Cyril Davey
2005 Miki Travis
2006 Ian (Ding) Davis
2007 John Mellows
2008 Miki Travis
2009 Colin Lewin
2011 Tony St James
2013 Johnny Clark
2015 Miki Travis
2016 Tony Pieri
2017 Steve (finny) Ward
2018 Bobby Lee
2019 Marc Layton
2020 Patrick Jacobs
2021 Chris Hare
2022 Colin Lewin
2023 Barry King
2024 Rich Rogers