Chairman's Chat
Hello everybody!
Happy New Year! I know Genevieve will send out the minutes of the AGM soon but I thought I'd let you all know a couple of small changes for the year ahead.
There was a disappointing turnout for the AGM it must be said. It is a shame more of you can't make the effort to tune in from the comfort of your armchair for an hour or so. Myself and the committee have taken it as a positive that you're all so content and happy with the way things are!
The weather has caused more havoc than ever this year so we have decided to amalgamate Presidents Day with the Winter Cup which will be at the Woldingham Golf Club in November. That course has buggy paths so should be safe from cancellation.
We then intend to run a fun-packed Christmas golf day between Christmas and New Year (29th or 30th). It won't be a ranking event but still prizes. The format will be different too - perhaps a Texas scramble - dependant on the weather but there is a rumour The String and other peculiarities may be present. (If you don't understand that last bit - ask a Portugeezer). If this gets cancelled at least it won't upset the Wilkinson Sword etc as it will be decided by then.
We have also had to sacrifice one of our days as it was decided at the AGM that we will have a CGS Invitational Day. The reason for this is to recruit new members, especially from showbiz if we can. There will be entertainment booked for that day too. The importance of recruitment is essential for the survival of our society. We only have 65 members and 15 of those don't pay subs as they are either Life members of Honorary members. So, the subs that come in for the 50 paying members exactly covers our admin outgoings. Therefore, please - keep healthy and keep paying!
The Invitational will be held at Whitehill in August and the summer cup now moves to that marvellous new course we played at Westerham in July. The Wycombe date in May is now the Founders Cup. Please note there are no date changes from the list of fixtures sent out - just the title of each day has changed. Please think about who you might be able to invite as a guest to the Invitational.
I'm sorry to miss you at the rearranged Winter Cup and also the Ball and the Captain's Drive-In as I am away for 11 weeks tomorrow on a jaunt around South America.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the Spring Cup on 22nd April.
Gammon x
(Dave Brock - Chairman)